This form will take around 15 minutes to complete and you will not be able to save and come back later. You do have the option to print the form and post it back to us if you prefer.
About You
About Your Family
About Your Home
Your Income
Health and Social
Title MrMissMrs
First Name
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Council Tax Band
National Insurance Number
Ethnicity WhiteBlack-CaribbeanIndianBangladeshiChineseBlack-AfricanBlack-OtherPakistani
Plymouth Charity Trust operates a policy of equal opportunities. To enable us to check whether this policy is working, please give details of your ethnic origin. This information will be kept confidentially and used only for the Trust for monitoring purposes.
Telephone Number
Mobile Number
Email Address
How long have you lived at this address?
How long have you been a Plymouth resident? or how long did you live here for previously?
Please give details of any occupations you have followed and for how long. Any present occupations should be included:
[field_group employment id="emails-groups" tabindex:1]
Employee Name
Start Date
End Date
Address of Surgery
Do you have a partner?
[group add_partner]
[field_group employment_pt id="emails-groups" tabindex:1]
Relationship ParentLegal GuardianSpouseChildSiblingCase WorkerHealthcare ProviderFriend
Telephone number
Mobile number
Email address
Type of accommodation i.e 3 bedroom house, 2 bedroom flat. Please add below:
Do you or your spouse own this home?
If yes, what is its estimated present value?
If no, who owns your current property?
Family memberPrivately rentedCouncil
Other please specify
If the property is owned by a family member how you are related?
What are your intentions regarding your current property if you are appointed to an Almshouse?
Do you receive Housing Benefit?
Do you receive Council Tax benefit?
Please give the name and address of your Landlord
How much rent do you currently pay?
Per weekPer month
Why are you leaving your present accomodation?
Is there a mortgage outstanding on the property
If yes, how much on your mortgage is outstanding?
If you or your partner own property other than the one in which you live, please give details below. This should include property owned abroad as well as in the UK
Please complete all sources of income and how regularly you receive them. Leave fields blank if they are not relevant to you:
Complete all Pension types
1. State retirement pension
2. Pension paid by a past employer
3. Private pension
4. Widow's pension
5. Any other pension
6. I do not have a pension
Complete any Social Security Benefits
1. Pension Credit
2. Attendance Allowance
3. Any other benefits (Inc Housing)
Other Income and savings
1. Annuities
2. Bank Deposit Account
3. Building Society Account
4. Investments
5. Renting property or land that you own
6. Grants from a charity
7. Financial support from a relative/friend
8. From a trust fund
Any other income – please give details
Select account type
Current balance/value
[field_group account-type id="account-type" tabindex:1]
1. Bank account2. Building society account3. Shares current value4. National savings certificates5. Unit trusts6. Premium bonds
Have you had any significant illnesses, injuries or operations during the last five years?
[group significant-illnesses clear_on_hide]
If yes please outline details below:
Do you have any other health or social factors that you would wish the trustees to take into consideration when assessing your application?
[group health-factors clear_on_hide]
Are you receiving continuing treatment for any of the above?
Do you use any aids or equipment?
Are you receiving support from anyone? (i.e health, financial, cleaning etc.)
[group supporting-anyone clear_on_hide]
Do you have a conviction which is not spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974?
[group conviction-info clear_on_hide]
If yes, please provide details on what your conviction was for:
Please give the names and addresses of two responsible people (not relatives) who know you well and whom the charity may approach for a character reference.
First name
I have read the charity’s Conditions of Entry and believe that I am eligible to apply to live in one of the charity’s almshouses. I declare that the information given in this application is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I accept that if I am appointed as a resident I shall be a Licensee of the charity and not a tenant. Any weekly sum I pay will be a maintenance contribution and not a rent. If elected agree to abide by the rules governing the Almshouses. I confirm that I am able to look after myself, with the assistance of family and social services if necessary.
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